
4 Factors To Keep In Mind When Choosing Audio Technology for the Classroom

4 Factors To Keep In Mind When Choosing Audio Technology for the Classroom

By Jennifer P 0 Comment May 19, 2023

Panasonic Connect recently posted an article on their blog discussing the important factors to consider when choosing audio technology for your classroom. The significance of technology adoption in higher education has never been clearer as numerous institutions and universities continue to traverse on-site, online, or mixed learning settings. The traditional classroom is rapidly changing, which has increased the need for technology that keeps teachers and students linked as they adapt to new teaching and learning methods. Classroom audio systems are very useful for teachers and students, even if today’s classroom arrangements and teaching techniques are changing.

Nothing in technology can enable and guarantee classroom equity like good audio. To create educational experiences that enable students to learn and communicate successfully, one must be able to speak clearly and use high-quality audio. In both physical and virtual classrooms, the use of audio technology by teachers can improve communication and encourage engaging learning experiences. Not only is reliable audio essential for understanding lectures, but it also enables colleges to adopt more sophisticated, cutting-edge learning methodologies.

The correct audio technology investments are essential for success whether you are learning in a classroom or at home. Here are some characteristics to consider when choosing audio equipment for educational settings.

1. Clear Sound Capture & Delivery

Even a well-designed classroom might have acoustic issues, such as background noise and reverberation. The key to taking on these difficulties head-on is having audio technology that is concentrated on optimizing sound quality for spoken word.

A wireless microphone, such as the Panasonic WX-ST200 Digital Wireless Handheld Microphone, not only uses noise suppression technology to improve the speaker’s voice clarity but is also tuned for maximum speech intelligibility. This type of wireless system is perfect for hybrid and fully virtual learning environments since it can give superb sound quality in small or large rooms.

In hybrid classroom situations, educators can also create a more natural atmosphere by combining different microphones. In order to ensure that the professor could be heard regardless of whether they were in the room, the Steven M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan used both ceiling-mounted microphones and a desk-mounted microphone that we set up.

2. Easy Integration & Intuitive Usage

Undoubtedly, the technology used in today’s classrooms to support learning is diverse, but making sure that these technologies can interact with one another contributes to the creation of more fair learning environments. Finding an audio system that allows simple connection with third-party control systems can allow for a more complete and user-friendly ecology in the classroom, whether you want to add to an existing setup or want to switch in the future.

Sound from presentations or films can be broadcast both locally and remotely by integrating audio. Teachers can use touch panels to remotely watch and control audio levels and check the battery life. Additionally, speakers have the option of bringing their own laptops or using an integrated computer with a USB thumb drive.

Having an audio system that effortlessly integrates with existing spaces and software ultimately gives institutions and lecturers the ability to quickly swap between systems. To further make technology use for educators simple, a facility could choose to standardize audio equipment throughout all classrooms.

3. Flexible Wireless Capabilities

Airwaves are getting crowded as FCC regulations keep reducing the UHF spectrum range that wireless microphones can use. However, DECT-based wireless systems provide a broad frequency and noise reduction technology that can aid in reducing interference and disruptions. Systems like Panasonic’s 1.9GHz digital wireless microphone system, which continuously checks channel utilization and automatically swaps channels to provide reliable communication, offer an easy and intuitive option. In the end, as new technologies are developed, the wireless frequency spectrum is constantly changing, but remaining current with a flexible wireless microphone solution will help to ensure your operations continue to run as efficiently as possible.

4. Scalable for Current and Future Needs

It’s crucial to think about both the needs you have now and potential future needs when making an investment in audio equipment for the classroom. A scalable solution is therefore crucial. Your chosen technology must now be able to meet your performance requirements and be updated and maintained in the future.

While the modern classroom is changing to incorporate new pedagogies, having a strong audio system can help to keep students interested both inside and outside of the classroom.

Read the full article from Panasonic Connect HERE

Learn more about Panasonic Connect WX-ST200 Digital Wireless Handheld Microphone HERE

Learn more about Panasonic Connect Audio HERE