
Newtek NDI Guide for Houses of Worship

Newtek NDI Guide for Houses of Worship

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 27, 2019

IP-based video production has implications far beyond the effect on traditional broadcast. The new technologies will change the face of AV as well, and that has major implications for media programs in Houses of Worship. Church Production Magazine explores this in an article by Alex Schwindt, Josiah Way and the CP Staff.

The article is a great summary of the current considerations for broadcast or media directors in the HoW segment. There are a couple of points we expand on here, and then we link you to the complete article.

They first outline the landscape of media in modern services. There is often a projection or display component used in services today even in modest congregations. In any size congregation this can be material that aides or enriches the worship experience – everything from projecting song lyrics to showing pre-produced video of performances or plays. For “mega” churches or temples the projection is also key for making a distant speaker or performer into a vital and close presence with visible expression and emotion, on displays placed throughout a large auditorium. Beyond that, houses of worship of any size often have to serve overflow areas, and provide their worship services by streaming to other venues, to congregants at home, and as outreach to the public. The organization may also wish to be able to make services available as video-on-demand.

The modern paradigm then involves both the production of media for use in the service, presentation of that media during the services, and producing and publishing the services themselves as media in a variety of ways, both live and on-demand. Click here for the full article.