
Matrox H.264 Encoder Helps Add Streaming and Recording to Surgical Training at South Korean Hospital

Matrox H.264 Encoder Helps Add Streaming and Recording to Surgical Training at South Korean Hospital

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 12, 2016

Serving the largest group of cardiac patients in South Korea, the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery at Chonnam National University Hospital in Gwangju offers adult and pediatric surgical services including coronary revascularization, vascular surgery and surgery for congenital heart disease. Over the years, the hospital has taken steps to reform the facility into a smart hospital by adding state-of-the-art equipment and information systems to provide more efficient services, keep patients better informed and more effectively train staff.


Chonnam National University Hospital in Gwangju, South Korea, uses Matrox Monarch HDX to live stream surgeries and provide recordings for video on demand.

Cardiac surgeon Dr. Song Sangyoon performs a high volume of operations so considers it essential to keep staff up-to-date on the latest techniques and procedures. To find a more efficient way to provide training, he searched for a high quality video recorder stable enough to live stream surgeries for viewing anywhere within the facility, while simultaneously recording video files for later use. A technician is not always available during surgeries so it is imperative that the equipment is easy to operate by anyone and that recorded files are easily accessible.

Replacing an Ineffective Workflow

The department did not have the budget for an expensive streaming server and initially used the available celioscopy recorder, but it just didn’t meet their needs. Recordings would frequently stop after 20 minutes and files could not be recorded beyond two hours, an impossible restriction as surgeries often exceeded the time limit. As well, videos could not be streamed while recording was taking place, preventing staff from watching a live stream, and the files were not provided in a format that was easily shared.

After consulting with a local distributor, Dr. Song Sangyoon decided to upgrade to the Matrox Monarch HDX dual-channel H.264 recording and streaming appliance.


Finding an Easy Solution

Monarch HDX simplifies the streaming and recording workflow. The DVI output of the endoscopic camera is converted to SDI then sent to Monarch HDX, which records high quality video files on a network drive for archiving while simultaneously generating a live steam that can be viewed on computers, tablets and smartphones.

To stream surgeries, Monarch HDX sends an RTSP stream over the LAN. Staff is able to watch surgeries live, using computers with VLC player or their own devices.

To record surgeries, Monarch HDX outputs video files that are stored directly on network attached storage (NAS). Files are accessible anywhere in the hospital and staff in charge of patients can easily replay the videos on demand.

Staff at the hospital has also taken advantage of Monarch HDX’s file splitting feature which allows them to record videos in segments of a set length, in this case 30 minutes. Files are automatically saved with the time and date, easing the process of searching and managing archived recordings.

Viewing the Results

The main benefit of the new workflow is simplicity. “Matrox HDX is so easy to use that whoever is assisting in the operation room can set it up and activate streaming and recording,” says Dr. Song Sangyoon. With a device that is both affordable and simple to operate, staff at the hospital can now view surgeries according to their own schedule and easily access saved recordings to keep their patients better informed.

Matrox Monarch HDX H.264 file splitting feature allows Dr. Song Sangyoon to save files in segments while recording.

Future Plans

At the moment, only staff in the department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery stream and record surgeries. Dr. Song Sangyoon hopes that Monarch HDX will soon be implemented in other departments so more surgical staff can learn new techniques and their patients can have quicker access to treatment information.