
Work Smarter With Backblaze and Quantum H4000 Essential

Work Smarter With Backblaze and Quantum H4000 Essential

By Jennifer P 0 Comment May 1, 2023

How much do you think managing data is costing your creative team? How much effort and money are devoted to file organization, file searching, and maybe file loss? Have you ever put a number on it? One market analysis company has. An eight-person creative team wastes more than $85,000 annually looking for and organizing files, and larger teams waste much more, according to GISTICS.

To work more efficiently, creative teams require better tools. In order to streamline media workflows, enable simple remote collaboration, and free up on-premises storage space through seamless content archiving to the cloud, Backblaze and Quantum have teamed. Teams are given the resources they need to compete through the partnership.

What Is Quantum?

A data storage company called Quantum helps businesses make video and other unstructured data intelligent so that it works for them and not the other way around. They do this by offering technology, software, and services. The asset management and shared storage solution from Quantum, the H4000 Essential (H4000E), provides users with an all-in-one appliance that combines automatic content indexing, search, discovery, and collaboration. It combines Quantum’s StorNext 7 shared storage with the CatDV asset management platform.

How Does This Partnership Benefit Joint Customers?

Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage and Quantum H4000 Essential work together to provide award-winning asset management, shared storage, and cloud archiving capabilities. The collaboration offers the following advantages:

  • Better organization: Creative teams work visually, and the Quantum platform supports visual workflows. All content is available in one place, with automatic content indexing, metadata tagging, and proxy generation.
  • Searchable assets: All content and projects are searchable in an easy to use visual catalog.
  • Seamless collaboration: Teams can use production tools like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, and others to work on shared projects as well as tagging, markup, versioning, chat, and approval tools to streamline collaboration.
  • Robust archive management: Archived content can be restored easily from Backblaze B2 to CatDV to keep work in progress lean and focused.
  • On-premises efficiency: Once projects are complete, they can be quickly archived to the cloud to free up storage space on the H4000E for high-resolution production files and ongoing projects.
  • Simplified billing: Data is stored on always-hot storage, eliminating the management frustration that comes with multiple tiers and variable costs for egress and API calls.

Purchase Cloud Capacity the Same Way You Purchase On-Premises

With Backblaze B2 Reserve, you can purchase capacity-based storage starting at 20TB to pair with your Quantum H4000E if you prefer a predictable cloud spend versus consumption-based billing. Key features of B2 Reserve include:

  • Free egress up to the amount of storage purchased per month.
  • Free transaction calls.
  • Enhanced migration services.
  • No delete penalties.
  • Upgraded Tera support.

Who Would Benefit From Backblaze B2 + Quantum H4000E?

The partnership benefits any team that handles large amounts of data, specifically media files. The solution can help teams with:

  • Simplifying media workflows.
  • Easing remote project management and collaboration.
  • Cloud tiering.
  • Extending on-premises storage.
  • Implementing a cloud-first strategy.
  • Backup and disaster recovery planning.
  • Ransomware protection.
  • Managing consistent data growth.

Getting Started With Backblaze B2 and Quantum H4000E

A highly integrated system for collaborative shared storage and asset management is the Quantum H4000E. It offers new menu choices to carry out cloud archiving as well as move, copy, and restore content, freeing up H4000 local storage for high-resolution files. It is configured with Backblaze B2 for content archiving and retrieval. To enhance remote media workflows, content collaboration, media asset security, and archive, adding cloud storage is a simple process.

Read the full article from BackBlaze HERE

Learn more about Quantum H4000 Essential HERE