A Review Of The New Panasonic AG-CX10 UHD Camcorder

A Review Of The New Panasonic AG-CX10 UHD Camcorder

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment May 13, 2020

One of the most exciting releases from Panasonic, as of late, is the introduction of the AG-CX10 UHD Camcorder. This camcorder- like the CX350- features 4K video output. The camcorder also features the ability to upgrade to NDI.

Check out some highlights from this article from ProVideoCoalition.com on the AG-CX10, below.

If I were to be absolutely honest, my original thoughts about the Panasonic AG-CX10 4K Camcorder were, “Okay, a decent UHD camcorder.” But, and it is a big but, this admission percolated within my gray matter before the world went to shit. Now we Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, and whatever social distancing video conferencing app du jour you need to use. Our world has changed and what we need in a camera has changed too. 

Panasonic AG-CX10

Let us head down to the goodness within the little camcorder, the Panasonic AG-CX10. First and foremost, the CX-10 includes IP Networking features, with Wi-Fi support for HD live streaming. See, suddenly, the little camcorder from Panasonic may have your attention. You can stream to Youtube, Facebook, and just about any website with video sharing, like say, Zoom. Just so you know, the CX-10 HD live streaming works via RTMP/RTMPS/RTSP protocols, or so I am told. 

One may also use the Ethernet connection for streaming with the AG-CX10. These two features alone should, and now are, much sought after. With the AG-CX10, your Zoom can look professional. Your LiveStreaming on YouTube can look professional. Are you anchoring the news from home? Just plug in the Panasonic AG-CX10 to an Ethernet connection, and you are ready to go. 

I’ll be frank with you for a moment. The Panasonic AG-CX10 looks a whole lot better than the built-in camera on your laptop, desktop, and, maybe, even your phone. I have vanity and ego as I guess you do too. My ego wants my Zoom video to be better than everyone else’s. My pride wants me to look great, whereas everyone else’s Zoom looks like a laptop camera shot it, which it did.

The Panasonic AG-CX10 is small but includes two professional XLR audio inputs. The top handle, well, handles all the audio. From inputs to dials, all your audio needs are in the top handle. The placement of the two XLR inputs is in a pretty standard spot for a camcorder. The addition of manual controls on the left side of the top handle helps to access what you need when you need it. See, professional XLR audio inputs and manual audio controls. The audio alone is way better than your internal laptop mic for that upcoming Zoom call.

Check out the full article HERE.

Learn more about Panasonic HERE.