Atomos AtomX CAST Feature Overview

Atomos AtomX CAST Feature Overview

By Jamie G 0 Comment October 22, 2021

The new Atomos AtomOS 10.7.1 firmmware update is now available for the NinjaV/V+ which supports the AtomX CAST. Holdan does a great job going over the AtomX CAST in their recent video. The AtomX CAST  is a modular companion for the Atomos Ninja V or Ninja V+ monitor-recorder that uses the AtomX expansion port on the Ninja V/V+ to transform it into an advanced multi-input switcher. The combination of the Ninja V and AtomX CAST becomes the Ninja CAST, a fully functional stand-alone switcher, multiview monitor and broadcast quality recorder that does not require a computer to function. With a high quality 5” HDR touchscreen monitor, 4 x HDMI inputs and physical buttons, the Ninja CAST is the ultimate portable live switching and streaming solution.

Atomos have now released the AtomOS 10.7.1 firmware update for the Ninja V/V+, which adds support for the new AtomX CAST. If you already know about the X CAST, you’re no doubt very excited to hear this news! If you haven’t, then let’s get you caught up…

Holdan – Cine & Broadcast Solutions

Check out the video on YouTube here!

Learn more about Atomos here!