Atomos Reseller Application

Broadfield Distributing is dedicated to growing Atomos’ channel with talented and knowledgeable resellers who are committed to the product line and offering the highest level of customer service with every ATOMOS sale.

Please read the following information regarding the program’s requirements and benefits as well as those actions that will disqualify a reseller from participating. Once reviewed, submit you application below and Broadfield and Atomos will follow up shortly.

ATOMOS Reseller Program

Reseller Levels

ATOMOS has a 3-tier system for Resellers and Pricing: Black, Blue, and White. The purpose of this belt system is to ensure that Resellers are properly categorized based on their level of commitment and services offered. NEW Resellers to the program will begin in the Blue Belt program for a period of 3 months, after which ATOMOS will review the progress of the relationship, and using the guidelines below, assign the Reseller to the appropriate Belt Level.



  • Proven track record in digital video / photography or multimedia product sales
  • Knowledgeable sales personnel
  • Personnel with ability to troubleshoot potential issue

Benefits of Black Belt Program

  • Reseller listing on ATOMOS website under “Where to Buy”
  • Access to promotions and special offers from ATOMOS
  • Access to marketing funds from ATOMOS (based on set and achieved sales targets)

Requirements to maintain Black Belt level

  • Be knowledgeable on the Atomos product line as well as the features and benefits to today’s production workflow.
  • Participate in ATOMOS trainings held monthly/quarterly.
  • Have at least one certified sales representative capable of delivering value propositions and a comprehensive demo of ATOMOS products
  • Ensure all Atomos products are up-to-date and accurately listed on your website at all times
  • Advertise all ATOMOS products in accordance with MAP guidelines
    • Resellers will be moved to Blue Belt Level after the 2nd violation for a period of 30-days
    • Any subsequent violations will cause the Reseller to be moved to Blue Belt for a period of 90-days or removed from the program all together.
  • Engage in at least one marketing activity per quarter aimed at increasing exposure for ATOMOS. (ATOMOS event at Reseller location, e-blast to customers, inclusion in newsletters, web banners, bundles, etc.)
  • Purchase a minimum of $50,000 / year in ATOMOS products. *Internet-only Resellers must purchase a minimum of $100,000 / year in ATOMOS products.


NEW Resellers to the ATOMOS Reseller Program will be placed at Blue Belt Level for a period of 3 months in order to onboard the reseller and establish a business plan.

Upon Yearly Review of Accounts, ATOMOS will assign a Reseller to Blue Belt Level if the Reseller is:

  • purchasing less than $50,000/year in ATOMOS products from Distribution
  • not engaging in at least one marketing activity per quarter.


This level is reserved for *Internet-only Resellers purchasing less than $100K/year, as well as current Resellers who wish to buy the product, yet have expressed or demonstrated no interest in growing the business beyond that.

Upon Yearly Review of Accounts, ATOMOS will assign a Reseller to White Belt Level if the Reseller is:

  • purchasing less than $10,000/year in ATOMOS products with Distribution
  • consistently breaking MAP
  • does not maintain consistent and active communication with the ATOMOS team.

*Definition of ‘Internet-only’ Reseller

  • Reseller who sells ATOMOS products exclusively through 3rd party websites like Amazon and eBay.
  • Reseller lacks either Sales and/or Support personnel with ability to promote and support the product.
  • Reseller does not either list or sell ATOMOS products through their own company’s website.

Reseller Training

  • ATOMOS will educate Reseller and their Sales personnel for pre and post-sales support of ATOMOS products.
  • ATOMOS will continue to educate Reseller with new product features and other updates via phone and updated tutorial videos.
  • For assistance with any inquiries please contact Broadfield or Atomos.

Technical Support

  • ATOMOS will train Support personnel on product specifications, FAQ’s, and how to troubleshoot commonly seen issues and their fixes.
  • Reseller agrees to be the first line support for ATOMOS products and help facilitate RMA’s for customers within the first 30-days of purchase.
  • Please call Atomos’ Support Department at 503-388-3236, dial 2, or submit a ticket at if you need any assistance troubleshooting an issue or answering a customer’s questions.

MAP Guidelines

  • Any advertising that solicits sales of ATOMOS products in any medium will be subject to Atomos’ MAP guidelines. This includes print ads, ROP (Run of Press), direct mailers, catalogues, web sites, and email blasts.
  • The MAP price for any ATOMOS product is equal to its MSRP price.
  • ATOMOS does not tolerate breaking MAP, and doing so can mean the reseller is either assigned to a lower belt level or removed from the program entirely.
  • No distinctions are made for accidental or intentional MAP breaking.

Warranty Information

  • All ATOMOS products come with a one-year limited warranty that can be extended to three years by registering the product online. (extended warranty applies to ATOMOS product greater than $500 MSRP and on products registered within 1 year of purchase)
  • The extended warranty covers defect in workmanship in the main recorder unit, but excludes the LCD screen and accessories including batteries, battery charger, docking station, product case, D-tap, Canon/Nikon battery adapters and caddies, which are covered for one year only, regardless of registration.
  • For full warranty terms and conditions refer to your product’s user manual. To view the latest version click on the appropriate link below:

RMA Process

See “ATOMOS Warranty and RMA Procedures” Document


  • DEMO pricing available on main products over $500 (MSRP)
  • A demo unit of each product may be purchased once every 6 months
  • Demo reseller cost is available from Broadfield Distributing
  • See “ATOMOS DEMO – Info and Claim Form” for more information.

EDU Pricing

  • EDU discounts are only available direct through the reseller and are not to be offered through 3rd party sites such as Amazon or eBay.
  • Available on main products over $500 (MSRP)
  • ATOMOS offers two educational discounts:
    • A standard discount to any student, faculty member, or educational institution involved at the college level or above.
    • A focused discount to any student or faculty member involved directly with a media program (Film, TV, Media Studies, Photography, Journalism, etc.)
  • Educational sales will be credited retroactively to Reseller’s account with Distribution
  • See current ATOMOS Price List for EDU credits available.
  • See “ATOMOS EDU – Info and Claim Form” for detailed information on proof required as well as processing.

Atomos Reseller Application

  • Company Background

  • As part of being a Black Belt Reseller your company’s info will be listed on the Atomos website under the section “Where to Buy.” Please let us know which email address you would like us to add to the listing.
  • About your Business

  • Main Contacts

  • Officer of the Company

    Yes! I would like to become a Black-Belt Atomos Reseller! As an Officer of the Company, I confirm that we meet all of the requirements to become a Black-Belt Reseller and will follow all of the guidelines expressed in this agreement. I also commit that my staff will actively promote and support the sale of Atomos products.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY