Atomos Sumo 19″ HDR Monitor/Recorder now shipping. More products may be on the way…

Atomos Sumo 19″ HDR Monitor/Recorder now shipping. More products may be on the way…

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 4, 2017

atomos-sumo-setFrom David Shapton

With the anticipation of Atomos‘ latest release finally eases, Atomos draws more attention by hinting that a new line of products to follow is on the horizon.  The Atomos Sumo is released and shipping, being the intriguing new monitor/recorder that expands the boundaries of what it can already do, Atomos apparently is going to use the Sumo to be the first of this new range of products.  Already being able to record and 4K video resolution and the ability now to be a video switcher on top of that, Atomos’ claim for this to be the beginning of a new class of products there’s no telling what’s in store for the future.

The Sumo is a big departure for Atomos. It’s the first time that the Melbourne company has built a large scale monitor. There’s a strong sense in which the Sumo is a giant version of everything that Atomos has produced before: somewhat in the same way that an iPad is a giant iPhone. But – crucially – the bigger size means that it’s simply more suited as a general purpose monitor – and one that you can happily use outdoors, too, quite independently of its HDR talents. The recording functions are mostly retained, because, why not? But make no mistake that the Sumo’s raison d’etre is as an HDR monitor.

Intriguingly, Atomos’ CEO, Jeromy Young says that this is the first of a new range of products. So we can probably expect bigger (and maybe smaller) Sumos to come.

atomos-sumo Click here to read the full article.