Avid Media Composer

We are your source for Avid Media Composer software and can help you find the proper license for your needs. Please feel free to call your Broadfield Sales Rep at 800-634-5178 or refer to the information below for new subscriptions, perpetual software renewals and crossgrades, academic licenses and more.


Are you new to Avid Media Composer?

If you do not own an Avid Media Composer license or subscription, need to purchase a new license or subscription for an additional user, or have a license that has expired and cannot be renewed then you can choose from a new Ultimate subscription today.

The Ultimate subscription includes Media Composer editing software plus Avid Symphony for color correction, the PhraseFindand ScriptSync tools and support for network storage and collaborative workflows.


Do you have an Avid Media Composer Subscription License?

The subscriptions can be easily renewed with these versions. The difference between a Subscription Renewal and a new subscription is that these will easily extend the term of your current subscription license for another year. You can add these at any time and Avid Account Manager will extend from your current expiration date


Are you a Teacher, Student or School Purchaser?

These specially discounted versions are available to teachers, students and school purchasers who meet Avid eligibility requirements. You will not be able to activate these software licenses without Avid approval. If you are purchasing for a school please refer to Avid Educational requirements at www.avid.com/academic-eligibility