Behind the Scenes | The Creative Workflow of La Cumbre

Behind the Scenes | The Creative Workflow of La Cumbre

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 5, 2018

Go behind the scenes with Stept Studios and see how the G-Technology Evolution series helped maximize their RED workflow. From the G-Drive ATC Thunderbolt to the G-Speed Shuttle XL ev, G-Tech makes their workflows possible even in extreme conditions.

About La Cumbre: La Cumbre unveils the reality of what it means to live as an amputee in the developing world. In partnership with the Range of Motion Project (ROMP) we join world class mountaineer and wounded warrior Chad Jukes on an heartfelt journey to shed light on a public health issue affecting amputees worldwide.

About ROMP: ROMP is a non-profit, for-impact healthcare organization dedicated to providing prosthetic and orthotic care to those without access to these services.