BirdDog Success Story: How NDI Technology and BirdDog P200 PTZ Cameras Can Stream Major Live Events

BirdDog Success Story: How NDI Technology and BirdDog P200 PTZ Cameras Can Stream Major Live Events

By Jamie G 0 Comment May 14, 2021

BirdDog‘s P200 PTZ Cameras has helped Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center stream major live events. With the help of NDI technology, BirdDog Studio NDI converters and Epiphan Pearl encoders, plus the P200 PTZ Cameras, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Center was able to sucessfully have a reliable setup to stream live events. Check out Jake Maxwell, Multi-Media Specialist at Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Center go over his workflow below.

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre is Australia’s premier event centre and has gone BIG on NDI workflows. Jake Maxwell from MCEC, walks us through how they use NDI technology, BirdDog P200 NDI PTZ cameras, and Epiphan Pearl for streaming their live events, as well as using BirdDog Studio NDI for transmitting and receiving video around their event centre.


Learn more about BirdDog here!

Check out the video on YouTube here!