Broadfield Is Your Source For RED Komodo And These RED Approved Komodo Accessories

Broadfield Is Your Source For RED Komodo And These RED Approved Komodo Accessories

By Jennifer P 0 Comment December 14, 2020

RED KOMODO 6K inventory cannot ship fast enough and Broadfield is working with RED to get and allocate units to RED Authorized Dealers as quickly as possible. Get ready for your shipment by adding these RED approved 3rd party accessories from Angelbird, ProGrade, SmallHD and GDU. Broadfield is your source for all of these products and more!


The new sensor in KOMODO is a 6K S35 global shutter sensor that breaks new technical ground by eliminating the need to sacrifice dynamic range and meets the RED standard of unmatched imagery without any creative or technical compromises

MPN: 710-0333

$5,995 MSRP

KOMODO Starter Kit

This pre-bundled setup is perfect for content creators and run & gun operators. Including KOMODO 6K with the wing grip and RF to EF adapter with ND filter. Also includes media and media reader, PTAP to Power Cable and Timecode cable

MPN: 710-0339

$7,200 MSRP

KOMODO Produciton Kit

Get everything from the Starter Pack plus additonal production-level accessories including Expander Module and Outrigger Handle. As with the Starter Pack, KOMODO 6K Production Pack comes with the Wing Grip and RT to EF Adapter With ND Filter

MPN: 710-0340

$8,200.00 MSRP

Broadfield Is Your Source For Angelbird & ProGrade CFast 2.0 Storage Solutions

Angelbird AV Pro CFast 2.0
Memory Cards

DescriptionPart #MSRP
512GB CFast 2.0AVP512CF$529.90
512GB CFast 2.0 (2-Pack)AVP512CFX2$999.90
512GB CFast 2.0 (4-Pack)AVP512CFX4$1,949.90
1TB CFast 2.0AVP1TBCF$899.99
On Sale thru 12/31/2020!  
1TB CFast 2.0 (2-Pack)AVP1TBCFX2$1,769.90
1TB CFast (4-Pack)AVP1TBCFX4$3,499.90

Angelbird CFast 2.0 Card Reader

Using individualized component power supplies and a sleek, heat-dissipating housing, our Solid Stack™ CFast 2.0 Card Reader protects your data against damaging power surges and extreme environmental conditions – all the while using less power and running remarkably cooler.


$64.90 MSRP

ProGrade Digital CFast 2.0
Memory Card

DescriptionPart #MSRP
512GB Cfast 2.0PGCFA512GAJNA$499.99
512GB Cfast 2.0 (2-Pack)PGCFA512GAJ2NA$899.99 
1TB Cfast 2.0PGCFA1TAJNA$999.99
1TB Cfast 2.0 (2-Pack)PGCFA1TAJ2NA$1,799.99

ProGrade Digital CFast
and SD Dual Slot USB 3.1Workflow Reader

Indispensable for cinema, video and photography workflows where large volumes of data files are the norm, this memory card reader provides simultaneous rapid transfer of data from cards in both slots.


$79.99 MSRP

Broadfield Is Your Source For SmallHD Monitor Solutions: The Perfect Touch Screen Monitors With KOMODO Camera Control

SmallHD Focus Pro OLED


  • Focus Pro OLED Monitor
  • Camera Control for RED KOMODO (Software License)
  • KOMODO Control Cable  (5-pin to 9-pin Connector)
  • SmallHD Cleaning Cloth 
  • UltraClear Screen Protector


$949.99 MSRP

SmallHD Indie 7 Komodo Kit


  • Indie 7
  • SmallHD Cleaning Cloth
  • Camera Control Kit for RED KOMODO (Smart 7 Monitor Series)
  • Sony L Series Battery Bracket (Smart 7 Monitor Series)


$1,399.00 MSRP

DescriptionPart #MSRP
SmallHD Komodo Hinge Mount for Focus ProACCMTHINGE$99.99
SmallHD L-Series Battery KitPWRBATTKITLSERIES$119.99
SmallHD 12-inch Thin SDI CableCBLSGLBNCBNCMMTHIN12$11.99
SmallHD 24-inch Thin SDI CableCBLSGLBNCBNCMMTHIN24$11.99
SmallHD Camera Control Cable for RED KOMODO (Focus Pro, 18in/45cm)CBLCNTRLREDKOMODO18$149.99

Broadfield Has The Complete Range Of CoreSWX Power Solutions

CoreSWX RED Komodo BP Mount to Micro V-mount plate

The CXV-KOMU is a BP to v-mount plate direct mount specifically designed for the RED Komodo camera, allowing use of 14.4V V-Mount batteries and leaving the camera’s DC input available for AC power and battery hot swap


$199.00 MSRP

CoreSWX Compact V-Mount Battery Kit

Power your monitor, recorder, wireless equipment, or drone while on a travel shoot with this V-mount NANO Micro 98Wh Li-Ion 2-Battery Kit. The kit includes two lightweight, ultracompact V-mount batteries and a GPM-X2S dual charger.


$539.00 MSRP

Personalize Every RED KOMODO Sold With These New GDU Accessories

DescriptionPart #MSRP
Global Dynamics United Timmy Ribs for KomodoKSBTR$39.00
Global Dynamics United Lens Cap (Canon)CAPCNBR$49.00
Global Dynamics United CANON RF PORT CAPCAPRFBR$59.00
Global Dynamics United KOMODO Monitor MountKMTM$79.00
Global Dynamics United Derringer handle for Komodo (right)KHDRR$190.00
Global Dynamics United Derringer handle for Komodo (left)KHDRL$190.00
Global Dynamics United Stubby Cowboy Handle for Komodo (right)KSTHR$290.00
Global Dynamics United Stubby Cowboy Handle for Komodo (left)KSTHL$290.00
Global Dynamics United Derringer handle for Komodo (set)KHDRRL$329.00
Global Dynamics United Stubby Cowboy Handle for Komodo (set)KSTHRL$529.00