Broadfield Streaming Webinar

Broadfield Streaming Webinar

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment November 10, 2017

This week’s Broadfield webinar is on the video streaming market and the sales opportunities within.  Our host Jim Bask, goes through the various products that make up this exciting field.  As video streaming becomes more and more popular the need for these devices will only grow.  With products in the Matrox Monarch and LiveU Solo lines targeting smaller productions and end-users, Epiphan Pearl, Wirecast Gear and NewTek TriCaster product lines will handle the professional end of the spectrum.  And now each with their exciting trade-up offers now is the best time to get your customers attention of the possibilities of improving their production.  Also take a look at our various live streaming bundles to help consumers improve their productions in more than one area while maximizing their savings.  No matter what customer-type you’re selling to, we have the perfect product for their needs.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.