
Celebro Drives Live TV with NDI®

Celebro Drives Live TV with NDI®

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 7, 2018

From NewTek

Celebro Media Group has in just a few years grown from its initial London studio to a worldwide production powerhouse serving a host of major clients and networks from studios on 3 continents. CEO Wesley Dodd recently shared with TV Technology Magazine the goals and vision behind the company, insights on the production technologies that are key to their success, and how they are adapting now for an even bigger future. In his own words:

“Celebro was founded on the basis that we wanted to be a world-class provider of pioneering and cost-effective live broadcasting solutions. Since opening the doors of our global facilities in Central London, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, we’ve welcomed clients such as BBC World Service, MTV, Discovery Channel, Reuters and TRT World. The flexible 4K studio locations offer the ideal space for both live and prerecorded programmes: we also can deliver outside broadcasting capabilities for breaking news events.”

On the move to NewTek IP Series:

“After great success with the TriCaster® Advanced Edition, we turned to NewTek and its IP Series to help us significantly increase studio scalability and accommodate our rapid global expansion plans… more