
Choosing and Using NewTek Connect Spark and Connect Spark Pro NDI Converters

Choosing and Using NewTek Connect Spark and Connect Spark Pro NDI Converters

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment March 15, 2019


Bringing in any data or media signal wirelessly poses challenges but also has their benefits.  With the creation of NDI, transmitting video wirelessly is now possible.  NewTek developed the Connect Spark NDI Converters to have an easy-to-use and less expensive option to introduce this technology to new and possibly skeptical users.  With one connection to the Connect Spark from your SDI of HDMI camera, you have the ability to send your video wirelessly to any NDI-equipped switcher or live production system.

NewTek has many resources to help you find and use the right device for you.  With the addition of the new Connect Spark Pro into their NDI converter family, customers may be interested in what makes it different from the others and if it would be a better device for them.  This comparison chart to the right breaks down the different features and also the similarities of the units to make it easy for their customers to understand them and now they have the knowledge to make a better purchase.

There are still other factors with formats and IP workflows that you may have to configure using any NDI products and luckily NewTek has “The Tip Jar” which are a series of videos that provide useful information for new and experienced users.  In this video, NewTek’s Kane Peterson discusses the differences between the two Connect Spark devices and the new Connect Spark Pro and about how each one can benefit your production.  These videos are from NewTek, by NewTek and should be anyone’s go-to source for assistance with any NewTek device.  It’s advised even to watch these videos for a device you migth be interested in before you purchase and should be referenced in their set-up and first uses as well.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.