Fries n’ Shake Add-On Sales Opportunities Videos Webinar
By Adam Noyes
This week’s live webinar highlights our new “Fries n’ Shake” add-on sales opportunities videos. These videos will outline all of the accessories that are available for some of our most exciting and popular products. We have two of these videos out now on Atomos monitors and more recently NDI supported live production systems. We have several other products as topics for these videos waiting to be shot and just like our live webinars, stay tuned to watch and learn just how your salespeople can expand their sales and in-turn expand your business. And if you have any suggestions on which products you’d like a Fries n’ Shake video on, let us know! We’re open to suggestions and our goal is to help you increase your sales in anyway as possible so don’t hesitate. Call your Broadfield sales rep today or email us
Click here to watch the video on YouTube.