How to Record Lectures: Software vs Hardware

How to Record Lectures: Software vs Hardware

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment March 18, 2019


To have the ability to record speeches and lectures frees up people and industry professionals to work on other things.  So often during conference calls or video conference calls there are other tasks still needing attention.  That’s what makes lecture capture devices so special and allowed them to find a niche market in video production and live streaming industries.  Whether it’s a college student recording a lesson for himself or the class entirely or an A/V tech specialist using capture lecture devices and streaming devices to send out his business’ announcement to anyone watching, knowing the pros and cons of the types of devices and software is incredibly useful.

Epiphan is always putting out next-level information for their users and anyone else who might be interested in this information.  They went ahead and put this breakdown out that shows the pros and cons with lecture capturing using software, hardware and hybrid workflows.  If you’re using any hardware solutions for lecture capture you’re going to need to look into the Epiphan Video Grabbers and the Epiphan Pearl systems specially the Epiphan Pearl-2 live production system to present, record and if need be stream lectures and conferences.  Whatever your video production needs, Epiphan has your back.


A lecture capture device like Pearl Mini also allows the lecturer to create custom layouts, combining and switching between between them during recording. This means that upon completion, the lecturer could have a finished lecture file. They also choose to record each input individually (in sync) and then combine them in editing software as they see fit. The best part is that the lecturer will be able to focus solely on presenting the lecture while the box does all the capture work.

For a completely hands-off experience, many rooms are even equipped with lecture capture scheduling systems (integrated with the hardware). This allows for lecture recording to start and stop automatically. This way, the lecturer is not distracted by having to juggle recording and presenting at the same time. For instance, Epiphan’s Pearl lecture capture hardware family is integrated with Kaltura, an open source video platform used by many universities. This hardware integration means effortless scheduling through the school’s learning management system….[continue reading]