
Learning Tricks of The Trade with Outdoor Photographer Andy Best

Learning Tricks of The Trade with Outdoor Photographer Andy Best

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 22, 2017

From LaCie blog

The following piece originally ran on electrify. The Q&A, with outdoor photographer and cinematographer Andy Best, offers a behind the scenes look at the inspiration, techniques and tech behind his awe-inspiring creations.

Widely acclaimed photographer and cinematographer, Andy Best, has managed to do what most people only dream of doing: traversing some of the world’s most breathtaking landscapes — and getting paid to do it. Whether he’s sharing stories from the road or telling you the names he’s given to each of his hard drives (they’re all named after places he’s been), it is apparent that Andy’s gusto and down-to-earth nature have been two leading forces in his success….

…What is your system in maintaining your photographic archive?

When I’m back home I go with the LaCie 2big Thunderbolt 2 or 5big Thunderbolt 2 for storing my photos. After a project, I’ll dump my files onto the 3TB HDD and catalogue them on a spreadsheet. In Breckenridge, for instance, I brought a 4TB and 2TB for double backup. Ideally, I’d love to be able to assemble some kind of cart so that I can tote around my LaCie 5big while I’m out doing a lot of large-file video footage — I’ve heard that some people are actually out there doing that. At home I use the same folder system — layout and everything — for all of my files. Doing things that way means I can go back several years and when I open a folder, I know exactly what I’m looking at. It takes out the guess work…[continue reading]

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