
Legal and Creative Considerations When Live Streaming

Legal and Creative Considerations When Live Streaming

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 21, 2018

From ProVideoCoalition

legal considerations live streamingWhat are some of the the legal, creative and practical issues that creators should think about when going live?….To get a better sense of the legal, creative and practical issues that creators should think about when going live, we got in touch with the team at LiveU to talk through all of these issues and more. LiveU’s VP of Engineering, Daniel Pisarski and Product Manager, Christopher Perry connected with us to run through all of the questions we had around best practices to ensure a stream won’t be taken down, as well as how the Solo is being used in a variety of ways and places, some of which are pictured right here. 

ProVideo Coalition: Our review detailed the technical logistics associated with utilizing the Solo, and suffice to say, it’s pretty easy to use. Is that the general feedback you’ve gotten from users?

LiveU Team: It is, and succeeding with that ease of use issue was a big goal in the way we designed Solo. It’s a continuing process though, which is part of the reason we’re still making changes to further improve usability. This year we’ll launch a new portal, and it’s got some major new features like our cloud graphics along with other usability improvements.

Any details you can share about those other usability improvements?

Some of the things we’re looking at doing to enhance the usability even more are displaying more information on one page in the portal so you don’t have to click around as much to find the info you’re looking for to change settings. We want to consolidate the user experience even more….[continue reading]