LU Smart App

LU Smart App

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment March 25, 2020

LiveU has recently released details of their LU Smart App for LiveU Servers. Read their statement on this new technology, below.

Hello Everyone,

Now, more than ever, we want to make sure we are constantly engaging with our reseller channel community! As social distancing is KEY during this time, LIVE has become a must for ALL verticals and every budget size. Sports, houses of worship, event organizers, education and many others are proactively looking for cost-effective solutions to help them reach their audiences.

We have put together a LU Smart App Campaign for an easy way to keep producing content from your home that you all can use to push out to your customers/prospects. The LU-Smart App offers the latest in bonded transmission technology for smartphones, enabling any mobile journalist to cover live HD news from anywhere using their own mobile device. But it is also a fast and easy way to add remote content contributors who can no longer be in-studio, to share high quality live video content for productions that produced remotely.

We will be sending this out to our LiveU online/sports database as well as some 3rd party and social media promotions – and encourage all of you to support this campaign using the available LiveU marketing resources. See attached for an example of how we also used this content for our follow-up email to the Sports Video Group Webinar – we can do something similar together for your prospects! Please reach out to me directly to customize any of the promotional materials (I can add your logo to any of the templates/graphics, make the email into a PDF, modify the messaging for a specific vertical or any other ideas you may have to help get this out).

This is the first in a series of educational/informational pieces of content we are working on specifically to communicate with our partners/prospects. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we plan on keeping you up to date on technology news, relevant customer stories, support and expert advice during this time.

Full LU-Smart Video:

LU-Smart Email:

LU-Smart Landing Page:

Thank you and stay safe!


Jennifer Shaw
Channel Marketing Manager

Learn more about LiveU HERE.