
Making the Cut: Matrox Helps the Australian Screen Editors Guild Webcast Inaugural Edit Royale Event

Making the Cut: Matrox Helps the Australian Screen Editors Guild Webcast Inaugural Edit Royale Event

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 18, 2018

From Matrox

The Australian Screen Editors (ASE) guild is dedicated to the pursuit and recognition of excellence in the arts, sciences, and technology of motion picture film and televisual post production. It aims to promote and protect the role of the editor as an essential and significant contributor to all screen productions. One such promotional event held by the guild is the Sydney Edit Royale, where five emerging editors are given just two hours to edit and complete a one-minute music video using never-before-seen video footage and music. To make an impression, editors have to demonstrate their creativity and speed using only an Apple® iMac® computer and the editing software of their choice. At stake are two tickets to attend the Annual Australian Screen Editor Awards (The Ellies), and more importantly, an opportunity to make an impression across the industry.

Planning the event

Contestants’ computer screens projected and displayed on multiviewer
Large in-house projector and multiviewer of contestants’
computer screens

ASE wanted the competition’s video editing content to be displayed onto a large screen for the in-house audience to follow every contestant’s progress in the competition and gain insight about each editor’s unique approach to the challenge. The same content had to be live streamed for those unable to attend, and recorded for VOD consumption after the event. To help co-host the upcoming event, the ASE guild approached Digistor, a technology and services solutions provider to oversee the technical implementation of webcasting the entire two-hour long event…read more