Meet all streaming and recording needs with Matrox Monarch HDX

Meet all streaming and recording needs with Matrox Monarch HDX

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 15, 2017

From Matrox

Monarch HDX is a versatile dual-channel H.264 encoder for broadcast streaming and recording. This stand-alone appliance tackles any job: stream to two different locations; record a proxy-quality file while simultaneously recording a master-quality version for post-event editing; use one encoder to stream while the other records a high-quality file for video-on-demand (VOD) downloads. With support for SDI embedded closed captioning (CC), this encoder is ideal for broadcasters who require the integration of CC while streaming and/or recording.

Small, easy-to-use, and affordable, Matrox Monarch HDX is equipped for the task no matter the workflow!

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