NDI® at InfoComm 2018

NDI® at InfoComm 2018

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 10, 2018

From NewTek’s blog

The scope of differing equipment and applications that have adopted NDI® is breathtaking. Everything from media storage servers to real-time graphics production systems to Microsoft’s ubiquitous calling system, Skype, is including NewTek’s bi-directional technology for IP transport of video, audio, metadata and communications. There are now hundreds of products in the hands of millions of users that include NDI, making it by far the leading standard for video over IP for production.

At the  recent InfoComm 2018 tradeshow, NewTek staff had a chance to get around the show floor and visit with some of the many vendors that have integrated NDI into their products. Here is a small sampling in pictures….read more