New Broadfield Webinar Format: Liquid Lunch & Learn!

New Broadfield Webinar Format: Liquid Lunch & Learn!

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment August 30, 2018

As you all know we here at Broadfield have been on hiatus from our regularly scheduled webinars for the rest of the summer to ramp up for the fall season to bring you the best shows possible.  We’ve just learned that a new format for our shows are underway as well.  Jim has been pushing this for a long time and we finally got the approval and we cannot contain our joy.  Introducing “Broadfield Liquid Lunch & Learn” hosted by none other than Jim Bask!  This show may resemble our typical Broadfield LIVE Webinars except our preshows are going to feature a different craft beer each week.  We want to open to floor for suggestions of craft beers our viewers want to see especially any local to your offices.  Also, we are moving up the time to 1:00pm EST which should make it easier for our audiences not in our timezone to watch and maybe get ideas for their own liquid lunches.  Also, you’ll be able to follow us on the app Untappd “@broadfield” to track which craft beers we’ve selected for these preshows.  We’ll be coming back next week September 6th live at 1pm EST with our first Broadfield Liquid Lunch & Learn and we hope you all join us.

Click here to watch the video on YouTube.