NewTek Q2 Promos: TriCaster and 3Play

NewTek Q2 Promos: TriCaster and 3Play

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 22, 2016

TriCaster Advanced Edition Software & Exclusive Bundles

TriCaster Advanced Edition Software

NewTek Advanced Edition Software 

TriCaster is the most complete multi-camera production system on the planet. With no additional hardware needed, power up your productions with TriCaster Advanced Edition software

MSRP: $1,995.00




NewTek TriCaster 460 Bundle

  • TriCaster 460 with Advanced Edition Software
  • Upgraded with TriCaster 860 Control Surface

MSRP: $21,995.00
Expires: April 30, 2016




NewTek TriCaster 8000 Bundle

  • TriCaster 8000 with Advanced Edition Software 
  • TriCaster Mini SDI with Advanced Edition Software
  •  TriCaster 8000 Control Surface

MSRP: $43,995.00
Expires: April 30, 2016


Call your Broadfield Sales Rep at 800-634-5178 for more information on the Top Cross-sell and Up-Sell Opportunities for your TriCaster Sales.

NewTek 3Play 4800 & 3Play 440 Q2 Promotions

Beginning April 11, 2016 through June 24, 2016, sports producers and educators will want to take advantage of our special offers on top-of-the-line 3Play systems. NewTek’s limited time offer Q2 3Play promo, should help you close any deals you may be working on, and provide a reason for current customers to upgrade. 

Q2 3Play Promo Details: Expires June 24, 2016

NewTek 3Play 4800 and 440

3Play 4800

Promo Price: $29,995 MSRP (international pricing may vary)

Target Customer: Broadcast companies, professional leagues and large venues looking for the greatest degree of production configurability can easily integrate the space-saving, 4RU, 8-camera input, dual-channel output 3Play 4800 into their facilities. 


3Play 440

Promo Price: $19,995 (international pricing may vary)

Target Customer: This 2RU, 4-camera input, dual-channel output system, is ideal for mobile productions and regional broadcasters, colleges and conferences and mid-size venues, with more moderate budgets.


Fine Print:

  • Reseller must have a 3Play demo unit to purchase and resell 3Play products.
  • Educational pricing is not available.
  • May not be combined with any other promotions.
  • May be utilized against a trade-in.

What’s most unique about NewTek 3Play solutions is that unlike common replay servers that emulate linear, tape-based workflows—and only focus on the singular aspect of replays, 3Play 4800 and 3Play 440 systems deliver a multi-purpose approach to integrated sports production that dramatically reduces the need for many specialized products and individual operators. Both systems offer the same full range of innovative software capabilities for new sports workflows and productions—even in environments where video production switchers are not available.