NewTek TriCaster TC1 Trade-up Offer & Dealer SPIF

NewTek TriCaster TC1 Trade-up Offer & Dealer SPIF

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 31, 2017


NEW! TriCaster TC1 Trade-Up & Dealer SPIF
$2,500 trade-in allowance off TriCaster TC1 (+ $100 SPIF)
$5,000 off TC1 Bundle with Small Control Panel (+ $200 SPIF)


New! TriCaster TC1 Trade-up Offer
$2,500 off TC1, $5,000 off TC1 with Control Panel

This is the LAST chance for customers with older TriCasters to get value for their systems and trade-up to the new TriCaster TC1. Trade-in your TriCaster 450 or older and get $2,500 off a new TC1 or $5,000 off the TC1 Base Bundle with Small Control Panel. Offer expires 11/30/17.

NewTek TriCaster TC1 2RU unit ala carte
Trade-up for current TriCaster Owners
NewTek TriCaster TC1 Base Bundle with Small Control Panel Trade-up for current TriCaster Owners


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TC1 LOYALTY Trade Up – Last chance!

  • TC1 $14,995 less trade in allowance $2,500
  • TC1 Base Bundle  with TC1SP control surface $19,995 less $5,000

Promoted specifically to owners of TCx50 or OLDER hardware. (Although any more current hardware should be eligible for the same value.)

  1. Trade-in form must be completed by customer.
  2. End user supplies serial number of TriCaster hardware they own. Serial number will be registered with NewTek and taken out of circulation – no more support, service or warranty.
  3. Dealer SPIFF program to go along with it. $100 for the TC1, $200 for the TC1 Base Bundle
  4. Dealers can customize and/or add additional TC1 hardware to the bundle, but the focus of the promotion is to get all older TriCaster users to the TC1 hardware.
  5. No deal registration required because the trade-in hardware proves the dealer has the customer

Amercian Express Gift Card for your sales!

  • $200 AMEX SPIF on every TC1 Bundle with Small Control Panel Trade-Up you purchase
  • $100 AMEX SPIF on every TC1 ALA
    Trade-Up you purchase

Download TC1 TradeUp Registration Form
Download Marketing Email Template for TradeUp Offer

TC1LOY FG-001587-R001 NewTek TriCaster TC1 ala carte Trade-up for current TriCaster Owners SUGGESTED PROMO $12,495.00
TC1BBDLLOY FG-001586-R001 NewTek TriCaster TC1 Base with Small Control Panel Trade-up for current TriCaster Owners SUGGESTED PROMO $14,995.00

Call your Broadfield Sales Rep at
800-634-5178 to order today!
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Angel x116

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