
NHL Breaks the Ice with Cutting-Edge Live Cloud Production Powered by AWS

NHL Breaks the Ice with Cutting-Edge Live Cloud Production Powered by AWS

By Jennifer P 0 Comment July 1, 2024

The blog post “NHL breaks the ice with cutting-edge live cloud production powered by AWS” by Andrew Reich, Alex Murel, and Luke Potter for Amazon Web Series details how the National Hockey League (NHL) has revolutionized live sports production by utilizing cloud technology from Amazon Web Services (AWS). The NHL’s transition to cloud-based production marks a significant shift from the traditional method of using production trucks and fixed control rooms, offering enhanced efficiency, scalability, and sustainability.

Earlier this year, the NHL made history with the first fully cloud-based live professional sports broadcast in North America during a game between the Washington Capitals and the Carolina Hurricanes on March 22. Produced entirely in the cloud at 1080p using AWS technologies, the broadcast was managed by a largely remote team, proving that cloud-based production could match the functionality of traditional hardware setups. This innovative approach allowed the NHL to break free from conventional broadcast workflows, setting the stage for a new era in live sports production.

The NHL’s Live Cloud Production (LCP) workflow enabled advanced operations such as video and audio switching, replay, and graphics integration within the cloud. As part of a pilot initiative called “NHL EDGE Unlocked,” the NHL demonstrated how cloud-based feeds could be repurposed to deliver innovative fan experiences, incorporating data-driven storytelling with non-traditional camera angles and real-time puck and player tracking. This initiative highlighted the potential of cloud technology to enhance live sports broadcasts.

The collaboration between the NHL and AWS began in 2021, with AWS becoming the league’s Official Cloud Infrastructure Provider. This partnership led to the development of the NHL EDGE IQ stats and a cloud-based encoding and scheduling pipeline, allowing the NHL to send live game feeds from each venue to AWS. This setup laid the groundwork for cloud-based live game production, enabling more efficient and scalable operations.

The NHL’s use of LCP also introduced new possibilities for remote collaboration and flexibility. For the inaugural live-to-air LCP broadcast, a single AWS employee managed technical coordination at the arena while production crews operated from remote locations such as the NHL Network studios in New Jersey and NHL headquarters in Manhattan. This approach reduced the need for extensive on-site personnel and equipment, showcasing the potential for remote collaboration and significant cost savings.

In addition to enhancing operational efficiency, the LCP workflow offers substantial environmental benefits. By minimizing the need for production trucks and on-site staff, the NHL significantly reduced carbon emissions and travel costs. This is particularly advantageous for major events like the Stanley Cup Playoffs, where multiple feeds in different languages and formats are required. The cloud-based approach allows for scalable and sustainable production, reducing on-site energy consumption and logistical challenges.

The flexibility of cloud production also enables the NHL to create personalized viewing experiences for fans. With the ability to customize broadcasts for different audience segments, the NHL can cater to avid fans, casual viewers, and those interested in specific statistics or interactive features. Advanced analytics and real-time access to footage enhance the storytelling and viewing experience, making high-quality content easily accessible and customizable.

Technically, the cloud-based broadcast was executed using feeds from ten on-site cameras, which were encoded and sent to AWS for processing. The system utilized AWS Elemental MediaConnect, Vizrt’s TriCaster Vectar, Viz Trio, and Evertz DreamCatcher for production switching, graphics, and replay. This setup demonstrated the robustness and reliability of cloud-based production for live sports broadcasts.

Overall, the NHL’s partnership with AWS represents a pioneering step towards more sustainable, flexible, and immersive live sports broadcasts. By leveraging AWS for live cloud production, the NHL is setting a new standard in the industry, poised to continue elevating the fan experience with cutting-edge technology.

Read the full article by Andrew Reich, Alex Norman, and Luke Potter for Amazon Web Services HERE

Learn more about Vizrt HERE