
ProMax Platform Transcode Video: Save Time Converting Media

ProMax Platform Transcode Video: Save Time Converting Media

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 29, 2016

The process of converting media by transcoding and encoding are the most processor intensive tasks in any production workflow. Transcoding will take up as much of your systems processing power as the application allows it to, often leaving an edit bay or an on-set workstation with nothing left for other tasks. You can lose hours of time, or experience delays that could impact your project delivery. Every minute you spend converting media into another format, is time taken away from creative work. With Platform’s Transcode Module, you can simply move that task off of your workstation, onto the server. See exactly how this is done in the video demonstration below.

Platform’s Transcoding Module is a powerful time-saving solution for facilities that want to spend less time waiting and more time being creative.