PTZ Optics Cameras and Wirecast Gear Integration & Review

PTZ Optics Cameras and Wirecast Gear Integration & Review

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 12, 2017

The Wirecast Gear features seamless integration with PTZOptics cameras at HD resolutions up to 1080p 60fps which is perfect for live streaming and producing impressive video content. Whether you are capturing a corporate presentation, live sports or a house of worship assembly, Wirecast is a preferred solution for stellar performance.

The beauty of this combination is performance and quality. With only one or two PTZ cameras your team will have the ability to quickly switch between hundreds of possible camera angles. Using PTZOptics free open source control software you can use an IP based control system with buttons customized for your space.

Some users prefer the intuitive joystick controller for operation of multiple cameras. With easy preview windows inside Wirecast, a single operator can control multiple cameras without the need of a second monitor.

PTZOptics cameras support two different joystick controllers. One use traditional RS-232 cabling which allows users to daisy chain control from one camera to the next. This configuration can save a lot of time during installation and provide access to all the SONY VISCA commands professional users love. The second joystick option is the IP Joystick. The IP joystick is great because all you need to do is connect each camera to the network. This is ideal for cameras in remote locations where the IR remote will not reach or cabling runs could be difficult.

Many Wirecast users choose to use a “web input” with PTZOptics cameras capturing low latency video over the network. This is ideal for open scenes but many professionals still prefer HDMI or HD-SDI connections for their main talent video to ensure perfect lip-syncing.

PTZOptics cameras used with the Wirecast Gear are a proven solution for video production. The Wirecast Gear New Blue Titler is included with the system making high quality titles a breeze to produce. PTZOptics also includes a set of fifteen virtual sets for various markets including: education, house of worship, sales/marketing, and sports. These are perfect for setting up a green screen studio with Wirecast’s Virtual Set feature.

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