RED DIGITAL CINEMA Introduces V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL [X] as the First Available Large Format Global Shutter Cinema Cameras

RED DIGITAL CINEMA Introduces V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL [X] as the First Available Large Format Global Shutter Cinema Cameras

By Jamie G 0 Comment February 27, 2024

RED DIGITAL CINEMA has recently introduced their new V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL [X] cameras. New flagship DSMC3 system with RED Global Vision: a global shutter sensor and suite for unprecedented flexibility and dynamic range. Check out their Press Release covering the news.

FOOTHILL RANCH, Calif. (Jan. 25, 2024)—RED DIGITAL CINEMA® has released the new V-RAPTORTM[X] 8K VV and V-RAPTOR XL [X] 8K VV cameras with RED Global Vision, both are available today or from any of RED’s authorized premium dealers. Featuring the acclaimed low-lightperformance, dynamic range, resolutions, high frame rates and form factor of its V-RAPTORpredecessor, the V-RAPTOR [X] introduces RED Global Vision, which includes an all new 8K VV globalshutter sensor, enabling innovative features including Extended Highlights and Phantom Track.Additionally, the V-RAPTOR [X] and V-RAPTOR XL [X] systems offer increased exposure times, a furtheroptimized optical cavity and improved audio performance.

RED Global Vision uses the global shutter sensor in V-RAPTOR [X] and V-RAPTOR XL [X] to openunprecedented capabilities. Global Vision’s Extended Highlights mode allows the camera to see colorand detail into extreme highlights like never before, providingeven softer and more subtle highlightroll-off when in uncontrollable environments, and an overall dynamic range of over 20 stops. PhantomTrack dual-capture streamlines any virtual production environment employing GhostFrameTMor frame-remapping, capturing distinct R3D clips per LED wall view, as well as allowing for monitoring of eitherview live on-set over each SDI.The standard V-RAPTOR [X] is priced at $29,995, with the XL version at $44,995.

The V-RAPTOR [X] compact body is built with the keystone features found in the original V-RAPTORplatform, now bolstered by newly engineered in-camera audio pre-amps and an optimized sensor cavityfor improved contrast. The V-RAPTOR [X] has 2x 12G SDI’s, capable of unique monitoring views, alocking Canon RF style lens mount for rigid and flexible lens selection, and CFexpress Type B media forup to 800MB/s formats such as 8K at 120fps.The V-RAPTOR XL [X] is designed to support high-end television and motion picture productions, aswell as storytellers requiring an elite all-in-one solution. It features dual-voltage battery supportcompatible with a wide range of common batteries found on set today, including both 14 V batteriesand high-voltage 26 V V-Lock or Gold Mount options. A premier feature remains the built-in electronicND which allows cinematographers to precisely select their density in 1/4, 1/3, and full-stop increments,providing unrivaled control of exposure and depth of field.The [X] sensor capabilities reach the exceptional frame-rate performance levels of the V-RAPTOR lineeven with its global shutter readout. Capturing 8K full sensor at up to 120 frames per second (150fps at 2.4:1), 6K up to 160 fps (200fps at 2.4:1), and 2K (2.4:1) at an incredible 600 frames per seconds. As withthe other cameras in RED’s ecosystem, it harnesses RED’s proprietary REDCODE RAW codec, allowingusers to capture 16-bit RAW and leveraging RED’s latest IPP2 workflow and color management tools.”Ever since our sensor team cracked the code for a no-compromise global shutter sensor design in theoriginal KOMODO, customers have been pushing us hard to bring our global shutter technology to ourlarge-format sensors, and today we are happy to deliverbeyond our wildest expectations” said REDDigital Cinema President Jarred Land. “We are very proud to not only be at the forefront of globalshutter technology but also to be the first company delivering large format global shutter cameras tofilmmakers.

“Creating a global shutter sensor while maintaining dynamic range is almost impossible and then ontop of that is the addition of an optional Extended Highlights mode. It shows we are pushing imageprocessing far past the limits that were once believed toexceed 20 stops of dynamic range. V-RAPTOR[X] and V-RAPTOR XL [X] are the result of years of incredibly difficult work internally by our worldleading engineers and from the ongoing collaborative work with preeminent partners who bringinvaluable experience and perspective to the process from cinema technology to virtual production,volumetric capture and live sports.”

Along with the introduction of these groundbreaking cameras, RED remains committed to its filmmaker-first approach with upgrade programs available for current V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL owners toadvance into the [X] systems featuring RED Global Vision. Current V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XLowners can upgrade directly via RED. The upgrade program is priced at $12,500 for both V-RAPTOR 8KVV and V-RAPTOR XL 8K VV customers.

“Fundamentally important sensor capabilities, Global Vision, internal ND filter, and improved audio, areall why the [X] camera is going to give storytellers in motion pictures and other high-end productionsthe images they desire,” said RED Executive VicePresident Tommy Rios. “We are thrilled to put theseinnovations into the hands of our users, and we are equally enthusiastic about our upgrade program forcurrent DSMC3 V-RAPTOR and V-RAPTOR XL shooters, which should allow them to take advantage oftheselatest breakthroughs.”

RED also announced all new accessories including the RED Compact EVF Pack and V-RAPTOR®Advanced V-Lock Plus & Gold Mount Adapter Plus battery adapters. The EVF Pack, currently available toorder at $4,950 (standalone EVF: $3,450), is a single cable monitoring solution for all DSMC3 camerasystems, featuring a 1080p micro-OLED display, and user assignable buttons to quickly access tools such as peaking and magnify or assignable to control the camera’s setting such as ISO, FPS and White Balance.

The Advanced Adapter Plus, available soon for $1768, will be sold with the V-RAPTOR Tactical Top Plateand includes all new features including a 6-Pin DC-IN port for continuous power to camera and auxiliarypower outputs for additional flexibility and usewith external power sources.For more information on RED V-RAPTOR [X], V-RAPTOR XL [X], RED Compact EVF Pack, and additionalaccessories, visit or RED Premium Dealers. Filmmakers can also visit the RED StudiosHollywood Store location or any one of the RED Premium Dealers across the globe to schedule a demoand learn more about the products.

RED Digital Cinema is a leading manufacturer of professional digital cameras and accessories. In 2006,RED began a revolution with the 4K RED ONE digital cinema camera. By 2008, RED had released theDSMC (Digital Stills and Motion Camera) system that allowed the same camera to be used on award-winning features, television, commercials, music videos and magazine covers like “Vogue” and“Harper’s Bazaar.” Today, RED cameras are being used on some of the most lauded movies andepisodics, including award winners “Mank,” “Squid Game,” “Hacks,” “Navalny,” “The Queen’sGambit,” and “The Deepest Breath.” RED’s latest technology includes the highly advanced V-RAPTOR[X] and V-RAPTOR XL [X] systems, the flagship DSMC3 generation systems and the first available largeformat global shutter cinema cameras. The RED lineup also includes KOMODO-X and KOMODO, whichfeatures a global shutter sensor in a shockingly small and versatile form factor. Also available is REDConnect, a license-enabled feature that unlocks up to 8K 120FPS live cinematic streaming from the V-RAPTOR line of cameras. Find additional information