RED Joins with Facebook for Virtual Reality Camera

RED Joins with Facebook for Virtual Reality Camera

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 21, 2018

From DoddleNews

While Facebook has been fine tuning its Oculus Headset into a more affordable virtual reality option, the one thing missing from the equation has been content creation. While the company closed its VR studio back in 2017, it’s now looking to create a virtual reality camera, and is joining forces with RED to do it. Could this the next module for the Hydrogen holographic mobile phone?

“We’ve been on a quest to build immersive capture technology for years,” said Facebook director of engineering Brian Cabral in an interview with Variety.

Outside of sheer speculation, that’s all we have at the moment. There’s no details other than what Facebook announced this week at the annual f8 Developer Conference. The prototype was showcased back in 2016, and a second generation highlighted at the conference last year. At that time, Facebook told developers that it was looking to partner with several hardware manufacturers to produce them. Now it looks like they’ve found a major provider that not only can produce the VR cameras, but take it to a level unseen until now.

“Depth reconstruction is only as good as the image data that you can capture,” said Cabral this week. “The pixel quality matters a lot (and RED) is a partner that has on-set experience….read more