By Jennifer P 0 Comment October 19, 2021

V-RAPTOR is the most advanced RED camera ever and features a multi-format sensor with the ability to shoot 8K W or 6K S35 and capture up to 600FPS at 2K
$24,500.00 MSRP

Tune into this week’s Broadfield Liquid Lunch, Thursday October 21st at 1pm EST,  when Jim Bask is joined by James Lucarelli to introduce the V-RAPTOR

RED V-RAPTOR 8K VV (black version) has been announced and RED Dealers may launch now

RED announced the standard edition of V-RAPTOR, including standalone V-RAPTOR Camera System, V-RAPTOR Starter Pack, V-RAPTOR Production Pack Lite, and the V-RAPTOR Production Pack (V-Lock & Gold Mount variants). Both V-Lock Pack options will also be available with or without batteries. 

All approved marketing assets are available in the V-RAPTOR Marketing Asset folder. The team will continue to add items throughout this week as they are finalized and approved. 

Please note marketing efforts will initially focus on the V-RAPTOR camera system and Pack options with additional assets to support individual accessories to quickly follow.  

Any questions regarding marketing assets and all approvals can be directed to the marketing team at 

Your sales rep will reach out to you to confirm your initial order, please note that due to delays of certain components initial orders for the packs will not be available to ship in October.

Current estimated ship date for initial dealer allocated units as follows:  

  • BRAIN ONLY: 7-10 days 
  • STARTER PACK: 4-6 weeks 
  • PRODUCTION PACK(Lite): 6-8 weeks. 


  • RED does not guarantee proper functionality for any non-approved 3rd party accessories, especially media. 
  • ALL marketing executions must be approved via 

Broadfield is Your Source for Even More Sales when You Add…

RED Pro CFexpress 660GB

The RED® PRO CFexpress are the official certified media cards for the V-RAPTOR™ camera system.


$959.99 MSRP

RED CFexpress Card Reader

The RED® CFexpress Card Reader is designed exclusively for offloading data from RED® PRO CFexpress


$120.00 MSRP

CoreSWX 98wh Micro sized V-mount SMART Battery Pack

The NANO-V98 is the perfect “grab and go” pack for the majority of powering applications. 


$261.25 MAP