REMOTE CONTROL for the YoloBox – Finally!

REMOTE CONTROL for the YoloBox – Finally!

By Jennifer P 0 Comment April 2, 2024

In the “REMOTE CONTROL for the YoloBox – Finally!” YouTube video section, Aaron Parecki introduces the new remote control feature for the YoloBox Ultra. Previously, users had to physically interact with the YoloBox touchscreen to change settings or camera angles. Now, users can remotely control the YoloBox over a local network via a web interface or a beta Android app. To use this feature, users must ensure their computer and YoloBox are on the same network and visit YoloLiv to log in and launch the web control interface. Users can then enter their YoloBox IP address and control the device remotely, adjusting sources, angles, overlays, and audio settings, as well as starting and stopping streams. While an iPhone app is not yet available, users can use the web interface on an iPhone. The remote control feature is still in beta and will be rolled out to the YoloBox Pro and Mini in the future.

Watch the full video from Aaron Parecki below:

Learn more about YoloLiv YoloBox Ultra HERE

Learn more about YoloLiv HERE