


By Adam Noyes 0 Comment May 12, 2021

Roland recently created a great article detailing how award winning photographers Eye Jorgia Photography chose the Roland VR-4HD in their workflow. The device was used to build a better experience for their London consultation rooms. Best of all, it also future proofed their corporate AV workflow.

Check out some highlights from Roland’s article on the workflow, below.

The problem…
Before Covid, a face-to-face consultation at the stunning Eye Jogia showroom in Harrow on the Hill, would give clients a full audiovisual and hospitality experience, allowing them to look at, listen to and touch examples of work in a luxurious environment. Now the consultations had to be done online and one of the issues that Eye Jogia faced was how to do this remotely without losing the warmth and the welcome of a personal touch.

As Sanjay Jogia explains, ‘Despite the (Covid) restrictions, we were not willing to compromise on the quality of our consultations—we had to find a way to bring clients into our world. A standard video call was too 2D, we wanted to provide something more engaging; to be dynamic and give the client the same depth of experience that they would receive on a visit to the showroom—or as close as possible under the circumstances,’’

The solution…
The VR-4HD with its enhanced audio, video and visual control, elevated the now virtual consultations to the highest quality—just as a client of Eye Jogia would expect. In addition, with its built in USB3.0 web streaming and recording capabilities, the VR-4HD would be ideally suited to use as the hub for the hybrid events of the future.

‘The VR-4HD is the core, the setup would not work without it. It allows us to deliver a dynamic, high quality consultation, to bring all the audio and visual components of our work together and make it easy to switch between visuals or move to different areas in a seamless way so that the client doesn’t notice the tech behind it.’

Check out the full article HERE.

Learn more about Roland HERE.