
Roland P-20HD Video Instant Replayer Live Annotation Update

Roland P-20HD Video Instant Replayer Live Annotation Update

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment September 23, 2021

Roland’s new P-20HD switcher features instant replay, as well as live annotations. Live annotations is a new feature that has been added that users in live sports, and real time broadcasting will find extremely helpful in their workflow.

Check out this excellent video from Roland, below, to learn more.

The Roland P-20HD Video Instant Replayer is an affordable, easy-to-use solution that lets you bring pro replay capabilities to any production setup. With version 1.10, you can annotate over live video and prerecorded clips using a connected Wacom tablet.

Ways to Use Annotation:
Live Sports – Draw on the screen live during games and bring in-depth analysis to your team.
Postgame Shows – Take the replay clips you created and draw over them after the game.
Coaching – Take the replay clips you created and draw over them during the team meeting.

How to Set Up

Update your P-20HD to version 1.10 or later and connect the compatible Wacom tablet. With the breakout cable, take the HDMI connector and plug that into the preview HDMI output on the back of the P-20HD. The USB connector goes to the USB 3.0 host port. When you turn them on, the preview out from the LCD is on the tablet. To go into annotation drawing mode, open the menu, scroll to the annotation menu, and turn it on. Exit the menu, and you can then cue up clips created on your P-20HD project.

Check out the video on YouTube HERE

Learn more about Roland HERE.