
Sony Artisan Jeff Berlin Talks About The Journey From Stills To Filmmaking & How Atomos Helped

Sony Artisan Jeff Berlin Talks About The Journey From Stills To Filmmaking & How Atomos Helped

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 25, 2016

From HDSLR Shooter

Sony Artisan and veteran celebrity fashion photographer turned cinematographer and director, Jeff Berlin admits that his transition to the world of moving pictures wasn’t the smoothest. But one product helped make that move all the easier during his work on the film “Three Days In August”: the Atomos Shogun.

As many can relate, moving from still photo to cinema work can feel a bit overwhelming. But utilizing the Atomos Shogun on a number of projects over the past year or so has helped ease the curve. The Shogun’s full feature set and reliability on set made it possible for Berlin and the crew to shoot large parts of “3 Days In August” with just the one Sony Alpha camera, for a cinema screen no less. “They [Atomos recorders] have been really reliable for me. For example, on “Three Days In August”, there were times when we were running just one camera, recording into one Shogun. And we had no issues during that three week shoot at all with the Shogun.” …[continue reading]