Tag: All in one

The BEST Portable Multicam Livestreaming Kit for 2024 – YoloBox Ultra COMPLETE OVERVIEW

By Jennifer P 0 Comment December 22, 2023

In this video, Aaron Parecki gives us a complete overview of all the features in the new YoloBox Ultra! Covering everything from 4K streaming, ISO recording, NDI inputs and outputs, SRT streaming, graphics, overlays, audio and more!

YoloLiv Introduces YoloBox Ultra: Elevating Live Streaming to New Heights

By Jennifer P 0 Comment December 20, 2023

YoloLiv has unveiled its latest product, the YoloBox Ultra, signaling a new era in live streaming technology. With enhanced features such as up to 4 HDMI inputs, a more powerful CPU, a larger battery, and a brighter display, the YoloBox Ultra sets a new standard for portability, versatility, and reliability in live broadcasting.

ViBox Remote Workflows

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment November 20, 2020

At Simplylive we are remote production experts; in fact, you could say that it is in our DNA. Every one of our ViBox systems are designed at their core for remote production.

SimplyLive: US Open Returns: How ESPN’s Biggest Production Was Transformed

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment September 24, 2020

It’s no secret that Covid-19 has caused a major disruption in the live sports industry since early 2020. Now, some major sporting events are returning, taking safety concerns into account. This means different workflows, lighter attendance, and a greater need for streaming.

Simplylive UI Gateway Workflow Overview

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment August 18, 2020

Simplylive has recently put out a great overview of their UI gateway workflow!

The Battle Continues: iMac Pro vs. Microsoft Surface Studio

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 30, 2017

imac-pro-versus-microsoft-surface-studioNeed help choosing your next all-in-one?  This article will help break down all you need to know about these two new devices.

Dynamic live event: All-in-one live streaming, recording, and switching Pearl Play

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 6, 2017

Running a live event can be daunting. Sure, setting up simple live streaming and recording using Pearl (or Pearl-2) is easy. The two, built-in auto channels makes setup a breeze. But today’s audiences want quality programming. So let’s turn a simple production into a dynamic live event including live switching between multiple video sources and fully-customized layouts.