Sweetheart Bundles for Live Streaming
By Jennifer P
Sweetheart bundles perfect for live streaming
Today we are going to show you how to connect your YoloBox Pro live production system to your LiveU Solo video encoder letting you stream from anywhere.
Get everything you need to start
live streaming and save up to $500
*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Promo Rules Program starts January 3rd and ends January 30th, all Birddog registered partners can benefit from the program as long as they apply. To apply, Reseller must […]
Avid® is pleased to announce the creation of two new product bundles for Post Production workflows. These bundles contain everything you need for post production and are great starter kits for landing new customer opportunities or expanding into existing installations that may include Adobe or Final Cut Editorial. This aggressively priced bundle saves over 20% if these components were purchased separately. These bundles are effective as of Friday, May 20th through the end of Q2 (June 30, 2016).