Tag: church production

Why Shouldn’t Your Church be on Television?

By Jennifer P 0 Comment June 26, 2024

In the blog post “Why Shouldn’t Your Church be on Television?” by Phil Cooke for Church Production, the author argues that traditional broadcast television remains a valuable platform for pastors and ministry leaders despite the rise of digital media. Cooke offers several reasons why television is still relevant and impactful for spreading religious messages.

HuddleCamHD 4k ePTZ Itself is Impressive

By Jamie G 0 Comment September 3, 2020

The HuddleCamHD webcams are the most powerful webcams on the internet. Both the USB 4K EPTZ and the 4K EPTZ webcam with NDI are quite impressive with 108-degree horizontal field of view and 56.25-degree vertical field of view.

Yolobox Budget Live Steaming Setup for Small Churches

By Jamie G 0 Comment August 20, 2020

Churches all around the globe have had to turn to live streaming since the pandemic hit. They have been on the hunt for an affordable, easy to use live streaming solution, and the YoloLiv YoloBox is the perfect fit for small churches. The YoloBox is an encoder, live streaming, switcher, monitor, and recorder all built in one! Its price point and portability make it perfect for churches.

Stand-Out Video Switchers for Churches

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 15, 2018

The best thing about new technology is how it can free up a leader’s time and headspace, allowing directors to focus more on the mission and less on the tools. One of the most exciting areas of recent tech arts innovation is in the world of video switchers, which continue to pack new features and to promise more value than ever before. As tech directors consider the benefits a new switcher could bring to their ministry, here are some of the features they should be on the lookout for.

Improving worship with ProPresenter

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 24, 2018

My primary goal with every church congregation I work with is simple: enhance the worship experience.

I want members to walk away from worship feeling like they’ve worshipped God. I want the people who work in the control room to walk in, confident in their abilities to deliver video and audio to the congregation with no mistakes. On the flip side, if my suggestions:

8 Tips for Directing Great Live Video

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 11, 2018

In the nine years I’ve spent in my current role as production director [at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Ala.], I’ve learned some tips and tricks that can be applied to any video directing situation in any church. Regardless of the goal of the finished product, I feel that if a live video director can focus on these simple ideas, it will help improve the end product.

How to Develop Your Church’s Signature Video Style

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 9, 2018

A directing mistake sparked Grace Church to develop a video philosophy. The result is a common language to communicate what success looks like to the staff and volunteer video team.

7 Best Live Streaming Services for Your Church

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 16, 2018

Churches and other places of worship bring people together through the meeting of religion and community. While tradition and word-of-mouth have been popular methods for expanding a church’s reach, there are other options now available in the era of modern technologies.

Are You Ready to Livestream Your Worship Services?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 18, 2017

No matter what choice you are looking at, start with laying out your end goal. With so many options coming out, livestreaming is quickly becoming a consideration.

Church Webcasts on YouTube and Facebook with Matrox Monarch LCS

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment October 3, 2017

With the growing number of web-based entertainment also comes the ease in which to do so.  Webcasts and podcast shows are becoming more and more popular each day and part of that has been the technology behind it.