Tag: church production

Streaming Video Switchers a Solid Option for Many Churches

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 15, 2017

No matter how you do it, today there very few excuses for a church to not have streaming content in one form or fashion.

Video switchers have changed in recent years to where it was not that long ago, that the idea of video switchers delivering content directly to the internet was far-fetched. Now, it’s a standard sales feature that many end-users consider a “must have.”

Facebook Live exhibit at NAB draws interest from churches

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 27, 2017

There is a new way to spread the word of God — Facebook Live.

Church members seeking a professional way to stream their sermons were among the early visitors to the first-ever Facebook Live pavilion on Monday at the National Association of Broadcasters show at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, according to exhibitors.

Church Editing Software. Apple Avid or Adobe?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 21, 2017

There are arguably three top players in the realm of editing software. Who is right for your church’s video projects? Will you choose Apple, Avid or Adobe? Decisions, decisions.

Seventh-Day Adventist Church Goes Global with Matrox Monarch HDX H.264 Encoder

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 2, 2017

AV setup with the Matrox Monarch HDX H.264 streaming and recording appliance for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church’s annual Campmeeting eventMatrox Monarch HDX streams and records live events to worldwide member audiences 
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian church established in 1863 with its headquarters in Maryland, US, its Middle East and North African headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, and its Gulf headquarters in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (UAE). In line with the church’s vision to serve its members across the globe, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church recently deployed the Matrox Monarch HDX™streaming and recording appliance to record their live events which are streamed globally on their website and on social media including YouTube.

Virtual Reality for Chuches

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 14, 2016

virtual reality

It’s always good to understand the past when we see something that promises to take us into the future. Over the long term, the church has done fairly well with mass media and communications. Think about the origins of the printing press

Lifehouse Church Streams Their Worship Worldwide With Matrox Monarch HDX

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 8, 2016

lifehouse-church-technical-team-in-studioLifehouse Church, located in San Antonio, TX, with a congregation of over 300 has a mission of reaching out to people in the community as well as around the world including churches they have partnered with in Columbia. To ensure that its remote and absentee members receive the sermon and experience the fellowship without missing out, the church streams their whole Sunday morning services live. 

Epiphan Video solutions for worship and churches at WFX 2016

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 30, 2016

Solutions for worship live streaming

I had the pleasure of being part of the Epiphan Video staff at WFX 2016 in Louisville, Kentucky on September 21 and 22. This annual show moves around to different locations each year, and brings with it physical and technology-based solutions for churches and worship. The show this year included everything from seating, stages and lighting to music and, of course, live streaming.

At the Epiphan Video booth, we showcased our new Pearl-2 system and AV.io 4K.

Matrox to Display Webcasting Solutions for Worship at WFX 2016

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 26, 2016

Monarch products offer powerful, yet easy-to-use video streaming and recording capabilities to congregations of all sizes