Tag: Education

Pain and Buffering: MediaDS Saves Award-Winning High School Media Program

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 20, 2017

American flags flutter from every streetlight along Park Avenue in downtown Amherst, Ohio, despite the fact that it’s closer to Labor Day than the Fourth of July. At Ziggy’s Restaurant, the heady smell of Thursday’s perennial lunch special, the homemade meatloaf sandwich, begins to waft up into the foggy, early morning air. The Marion L. Steele Comets are just two days away from the high school football season opener, and every square foot of lawn in this town of 12,000, 35 miles west of Cleveland, is littered with signs extolling “Comet pride.” Welcome to small-town America, a snapshot of the past, frozen in time.

Epiphan Pearl-2 Special for Schools & Houses of Worship

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 12, 2017

Now through 10/31/17 your Educational and House of Worship customers can save $500 off any Epiphan Pearl or Pearl 2. Order must be accompanied by a school or HOW purchase order or be shipped to a qualifying institution.

Monarch Family of Streaming & Recording Appliances and VS4Recorder Pro to be Featured in Amsterdam

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 19, 2017

Click to enlargeMONTREAL — January 18, 2017 — At ISE 2017 (Amsterdam RAI, Feb. 7-10, Stand: 12-E38) Matrox® will be presenting its lineup of video end-user products; including the dual-streaming Monarch LCS™ lecture capture appliance and the complete Monarch family of H.264-based video streaming and recording appliances, alongside the VS4Recorder Pro™ multi-camera recording app.