Tag: G-Drive Mobile

The G-Drive Mobile SSD is a straight-up sexy, high-performance storage device

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 2, 2018

As a video editor, I’m regularly looking for a good portable hard drive that can serve a couple different purposes. Some I’m looking to box up and mail across the country to different marketing firms or editing companies, others I’m looking to carry with me when I have to leave the office but still need immediate and fast access to in-progress projects.

G|Drive mobile SSD Hands On Review

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 7, 2018

At some point in the relatively-near future, the traditional hard drive-comprised of spinning platters of magnetic material will disappear from the marketplace. The fragility of conventional drives is offset by the low cost of production, but as solid-state memory drops in price, the cost benefits of sticking with a large, delicate recording device in computers will disappear and Solid State Drive (SSD) hard drives will become the norm. The G|Drive mobile SSD is an indication of the shape (and size) of things to come.

Review: G-Technology 1TB G-Drive mobile USB-C portable drive for 12″ MacBook [Video]

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 20, 2016


As a MacBook owner, USB-C peripherals are still a little hard to come by. The accessory situation has improved significantly over the past year. One of the latest USB-C-centric peripherals to hit the scenes is an external bus-powered hard drive from the folks over at G-Technology. If you’re looking for a way to quickly offload files to and from your MacBook, the G-Drive mobile is a good option.

Check out this video review on how well the G-Drive Mobile 1TB works with MacBook.