
Tag: getting started

What is NDI? Everything you need to know

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment August 16, 2021

NDI is a network protocol that enables audio, video, and metadata signals to be sent over standard networks in real-time. NDI is bidirectional, low latency, and can transmit video up to 4K and beyond. It is used in some of the largest broadcast environments in the world and many pro AV integrations. It is also used by individual users for video presentations or game streaming on single PC setups.

Beginner’s Guide to Live Streaming

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment March 20, 2021

Live streaming has become a larger and larger essential in many areas such as education, corporate organizations, houses of worship and more in the past year. While professionals in all of these areas were forced to jump head first into the streaming landscape, many of them are still beginners that were simply forced to adapt.

Roland: Want to Get Online and Start LiveStreaming? Here’s What you Need to Know

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment January 26, 2021

Roland has created a great guide on their website for those looking to get into the world of live streaming with Roland Products. In this page, they have outlined which […]

Want to get Online And Start Live Streaming? Here’s What you Need to Know.

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment May 1, 2020

Many people have recently been forced to become live streaming experts- wether they work for an educational institution, or a government institute- and many in between.

Live Streaming Fears and How to Overcome Them

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment April 6, 2020 recently posted a great article addressing new live streamers- which included a Facebook live stream. The topic? How to get started in streaming, and some common hurdles those looking into it often face. Check out some highlights from the article, below.