Tag: house-of-worship

Church Live Streaming & Video Communications with PTZ Cameras

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment September 23, 2020

PTZ Cameras can be a valuable tool for any house of worship stream. PTZOptics’ chief streaming officer recently wrote an article for twelvethirtymedia about the place of PTZ cameras in Church Streaming.

How to Begin Streaming Live Church Services

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment March 6, 2020

For ages, people have been regularly attending church services, such as group singing or praying, to be closer to God. But modern life is changing. Sometimes it becomes so unpredictable that people can’t physically attend a ceremony — but they may not want to miss it, even being in another city or country. Sometimes even people from other parts of the planet want to join a sermon, and fortunately, both situations become easily solvable nowadays through the power of the Internet, which allows for streaming live church services online and lets churches get closer to their followers, despite any distance.

How to Connect Your Worship Presentation Software With Your Live Stream

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment September 14, 2019

What are the best ways to capture the output of your worship presentation software and show that instead of a video of it on the screen? Our expert weighs in so you can deliver a top-notch presentation that keeps eyeballs on the stream.

Little Steps to Big Results, Using IP to Create, Deliver Video Productions

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment May 14, 2019

Devices using NDI are simply connected to the network, discover each other, and are ready to transport media back and forth. This connectivity can be extended across the network.

How To Use the Monarch LCS for your Multi-camera Webcasting Production

By Jim Bask 0 Comment April 23, 2019

Whether webcasting house of worship services, enterprise communications, government meetings, or similar live events, Matrox Monarch LCS video encoding appliance makes live webcasting simple. Delivering high-quality streams to Facebook Live, […]

Newtek NDI Guide for Houses of Worship

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 27, 2019

IP-based video production has implications far beyond the effect on traditional broadcast. The new technologies will change the face of AV as well, and that has major implications for media […]

Epiphan Pearl Mini Production System for Worship

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 1, 2019

Offering churches a simple, volunteer-friendly way to do high-quality video production, the Epiphan Pearl Mini features the ability to stream, record and switch between multiple video sources from a single, […]

5 Ways Livestreaming Can Help Expand Your Congregation

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 7, 2018

Livestreaming has become a mainstay for many houses of worship. Churches of all sizes have discovered that livestreaming is a wonderful option for those who aren’t able to attend services in person and can also help expand a congregation across the globe.

Video: A World of Live-Streaming System Options

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 7, 2018

Most people who live-stream professionally or have been doing it for a while, at least, know that to live stream, you need at least one source (usually a camera), a capture device, an encoder, and an internet connection with sufficient upload speed to get the video to the host.

Dwelling Place Church – Expanding Reach and Message to Online Audiences with LiveU Solo

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment October 29, 2018

Live streaming from a House of Worship facility and want to take your message mobile?  Check out how Houston-based Dwelling Place Church did just that with LiveU gear like the LiveU Solo premium video encoder.