Tag: house-of-worship

First Impression: Roland V-60HD Video Switcher

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 21, 2017

The long list of features should make the V-60HD feel far more like a full production desk rather than a small-format switcher.

Are You Ready to Livestream Your Worship Services?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment December 18, 2017

No matter what choice you are looking at, start with laying out your end goal. With so many options coming out, livestreaming is quickly becoming a consideration.

Epiphan Pearl-2 Special for Schools & Houses of Worship

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 12, 2017

Now through 10/31/17 your Educational and House of Worship customers can save $500 off any Epiphan Pearl or Pearl 2. Order must be accompanied by a school or HOW purchase order or be shipped to a qualifying institution.

Tricaster TC1 Makes Live Streaming Easier for Churches

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 18, 2017

The new TC1 brings 4k 60p live streaming at a very affordable price.   The TC1 has 4 hard inputs (physical camera) and multitude NDI or ‘network-based’ camera inputs.  This means that churches can now easily deploy cameras and video sources around their facilities using their existing network infrastructure.