Tag: houses of worship

The Top 15 Streaming Upgrades Any Church Can Do

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 30, 2019

Is your live stream everything you want it to be? If not, it’s likely that budget is part of the reason why. Here, some simple (inexpensive) improvement measures. It’s probably easy to […]

Improving worship with ProPresenter

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 24, 2018

My primary goal with every church congregation I work with is simple: enhance the worship experience.

I want members to walk away from worship feeling like they’ve worshipped God. I want the people who work in the control room to walk in, confident in their abilities to deliver video and audio to the congregation with no mistakes. On the flip side, if my suggestions:

8 Tips for Directing Great Live Video

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 11, 2018

In the nine years I’ve spent in my current role as production director [at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Ala.], I’ve learned some tips and tricks that can be applied to any video directing situation in any church. Regardless of the goal of the finished product, I feel that if a live video director can focus on these simple ideas, it will help improve the end product.

How to Develop Your Church’s Signature Video Style

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 9, 2018

A directing mistake sparked Grace Church to develop a video philosophy. The result is a common language to communicate what success looks like to the staff and volunteer video team.

Will Live Streaming Hurt Church Attendance?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 27, 2018

A common question I often answer when working so closely with the video production teams at many churches in my profession and as a volunteer in my local church community is, “Why would I want to stream my service? Won’t providing the ability to watch it online keep people from coming in person?”

7 Best Live Streaming Services for Your Church

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 16, 2018

Churches and other places of worship bring people together through the meeting of religion and community. While tradition and word-of-mouth have been popular methods for expanding a church’s reach, there are other options now available in the era of modern technologies.

New Promotion Alert! Instant Rebate on Epiphan Pearl 2 for Houses of Worship

By Jim Bask 0 Comment February 8, 2018

Offer your customers from churches, synagogues and other houses of worship an instant $500 rebate on any Epiphan Pearl-2 purchase. Purchase must be made by 2/28/18 and the H.O.W. purchase order must be submitted for the $500 instant rebate.

Grass Valley T2 Digital Recorder/Players

By Jim Bask 0 Comment October 31, 2016

Grass Valley Rebooted the T2 Digital Disk Recorders with 
New Storage Capacities & New Lower Prices!