Tag: Integration

9 Best Business Live Streaming Platforms

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment September 19, 2019

Live streaming is a marketing mainstay for countless businesses. Why is no mystery: video is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging customers, clients, employees, partners, and stakeholders. But with so many business live streaming platforms to choose from, it can be tough to figure out which is right for your company.

Bluefish444 Announces NewTek NDI Integratation

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 26, 2016

NDIBluefish444Bluefish444’s collaboration with NewTek enables its SDI I/O video cards to send and receive video and audio over IP via NewTek’s NDI, allowing existing Bluefish444 installations globally to implement interconnected production workflows comprised of SDI and IP-based technologies. NDI, an enabling technology for IP live production workflows, allows multiple video systems to identify and communicate with one another over IP, and to encode, transmit and receive many streams of high quality, low latency, frame-accurate video and audio in real time.

The Benefits of Active Directory Integration

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 20, 2016

ProMAXThe Benefits of Active Directory Integration An Active Directory allows you to centralize user accounts and access rights for different systems across your entire company network. Because most shared storage systems just copy information from the active directory to their own database, their directory risks becoming outdated if new information is not faithfully copied.