Tag: Matrox Monarch HDX

Vans Showdown Gets Some Serious Air(time) with Matrox Monarch EDGE

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment December 6, 2019

(New York, NY–November 18, 2019) What do veteran skateboarders and their fans have in common? No limits. At the skate park, athletes push the boundaries of what is physically possible all the time, performing gravity-defying tricks and making them look easy. Skateboarding fans are the same. They don’t want to tune into a live webcast that is anything less than cutting-edge, giving them the look and feel of being at the skate park following their favorite athletes. Thanks to the Matrox Monarch EDGE encoder’s ability to receive multiple HD feeds and composite them into a flawless quad-split stream, and B Live’s innovative user interface that allows for seamless switching between multiple camera views, fans of the Vans Showdown skateboarding competition got “star treatment” just like their favorite skaters.

Here Comes Monarch Edge: Matrox is building some important stuff

By Jim Bask 0 Comment March 28, 2019

Matrox has some brand new streaming technology that we should all keep an eye on. Matrox is never far from the cutting edge. It was building GPUs before they were […]

John Brown University Goes with Matrox to Webcast Upcoming Centennial Celebratory Events

By Jim Bask 0 Comment January 17, 2019

Athletic, cultural, and religious events are simultaneously streamed to multiple destinations for maximum reach John Brown University (JBU) celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2019, which will mark the start of […]

Making the Cut: Matrox Helps the Australian Screen Editors Guild Webcast Inaugural Edit Royale Event

By Jim Bask 0 Comment September 18, 2018

The Australian Screen Editors (ASE) guild is dedicated to the pursuit and recognition of excellence in the arts, sciences, and technology of motion picture film and televisual post production. It aims to promote and protect the role of the editor as an essential and significant contributor to all screen productions. One such promotional event held by the guild is the Sydney Edit Royale, where five emerging editors are given just two hours to edit and complete a one-minute music video using never-before-seen video footage and music. To make an impression, editors have to demonstrate their creativity and speed using only an Apple® iMac® computer and the editing software of their choice. At stake are two tickets to attend the Annual Australian Screen Editor Awards (The Ellies), and more importantly, an opportunity to make an impression across the industry.

Matrox booth at NAB 2018 with Dan Maloney.

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 11, 2018

At NAB this year we got to hear from Dan Maloney at Matrox about what is new for 2018. He told us all about Monarch LCS Radar, new software that allows you to monitor the status, health and activity of all encoders from a single dashboard.


Commercial Intergrator 3 Questions with Matrox: Quality Streaming is Better for Business

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment January 19, 2018

CI: The way people are using social media broadcasting seems to be evolving, how is the Matrox Monarch HDX helping this growing trend?

Matrox Monarch Streams Universities’ Content to Students and Social

By Jim Bask 0 Comment November 3, 2017

Two universities in the US are using Matrox Monarch encoders, with multiple-channel and simultaneous stream/record options, to live stream and record events and lectures to their students, social media platforms and campus websites. They have been able to take on these new capabilities with the same production staff numbers, in fewer hours, and increase their audiences.

matrox monarch hdx

Commercial Integrator: Interview with Matrox

By Adam Noyes 0 Comment October 30, 2017

The way people are using social media broadcasting seems to be evolving, how is the Matrox Monarch HDX helping this growing trend?

Stream Live on Facebook & YouTube Simultaneously with Matrox Monarch HD & Matrox Monarch HDX

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 19, 2017

matrox-monarch-hdStreaming to multiple platforms just got easier with the help from Matrox Monarch products.

Matrox addresses the Closed Caption gap

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 4, 2017

“Broadcasters have invested a number of years ago in delivering Closed Captions over the air,” explains Dan. ‘Now with Monarch HDX they can bring those captions online. The deadline is looming.”