
Tag: ndi tools pack

NewTek NDI Tools 3.5 has been released!

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 20, 2018

Some of you are jumping up and down yelling finally! Others of you might be asking, so what?

Let me explain what is in here and why you will care.

First, let’s explain what [ NewTek ] NDI Tools 3.5 isn’t. It doesn’t update your other NDI apps, so installing this will not affect anything else installed on your system. NDI Tools 3.5 is backwards compatible with previous versions of NDI, so not everything has to be updated to use it.

What Are The Free NDI Applications and Where Do I Get Them?

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 24, 2016

NewTek provides several NDI applications for all NDI users at no charge. Some are watermarked trial products, but for this article we will look strictly at those that are fully-functional free applications. These will assist any production workflow that uses products that are NDI-enabled. Such workflows include NewTek’s TriCaster and 3Play, of course, but today there are NDI-enabled video production systems and software from many other manufacturers as well. 

How to Make Your PC a Network Video Source

By Jim Bask 0 Comment August 16, 2016

In our modern digital lives, we have an endless number of ways we use our computers, including using them to produce video. We may want to send full-screen output as video to a switcher or recorder to make training or demonstration videos. We may want to send just the output of one program as a video source like a dedicated text or graphics program specifically for broadcast production, or it could be a program used daily for common business or personal tasks.