Tag: NewTek

2-Minute Tutorial: How to Use the Facebook Live Plugin in TriCaster Advanced Edition

By Jim Bask 0 Comment July 5, 2016

NewTek head of training Don Ballance brings you the very easy and quick steps for streaming to Facebook Live with the new plugin for TriCaster Advanced Edition. The plugin adds Facebook Live to the list of streaming presets, and you simply select it, make a couple of choices about the options for your stream, and start the stream. You can also use the preset to stream prerecorded material to Facebook Live.

NewTek Deal Registration Program

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 20, 2016

NewTek Deal Registration Program

We are constantly in search of ways to improve the experience you have with NewTek. We recognize that as we expand our product line to appeal to the higher end of the video production market, you invest more time and effort to provide an excellent purchase experience for our Customers. To accommodate your needs as an exceptional NewTek channel partner, we are introducing a Deal Registration Program, effective March 2016.

One Million NDI-Enabled Products Already In The Hands Of Customers

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 20, 2016


SAN ANTONIO, June 7, 2016—Network Device Interface (NDI™), NewTek’s free enabling technology for live production IP workflows over Ethernet networks continues to gain momentum in the broadcast and video streaming industries. Since it became available, more than 600 companies have downloaded the NDI SDK and hundreds are working with NewTek creating NDI commercial products, many of which have released NDI-compatible products since NAB 2016. These products, in addition to NewTek products and other newly compatible devices from top manufacturers and developers already using NewTek’s previous technology allowing IP connectivity, have put NDI into the hands of over 1,000,000 customers worldwide, making it by far the most prolific IP-based workflow in the production market.

Deltacast Delta-stat-IP lets you add Broadcast Quality Sports Graphics to your Live Productions

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 16, 2016

DeltacastWe feel that broadcast quality Sports graphics is the missing piece of the puzzle for Live Sports Production using NewTek TriCaster.

With Delta-stat-IP you can take your high school or college sports productions to the next level. Delta stat IP supports NewTek NDI and sells for $4995 which includes sports interfaces for Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Football and a generic sports template. Our friends at DeltaCast have created this ease of use presentation to explain how simple it is to turn a sports game into a top of the line sports broadcast like you see on ESPN or Fox Sports with Delta-stat-IP.

NewTek 3Play World Class Sports Production

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 15, 2016


Deliver the thrill of live sports coverage with limited-time savings on NewTek 3Play.
World Class Sports Production for teams of any size.
Keep your fans engaged in ever exhilarating moment of the game, with 3Play, the most complete sports production system on the planet.

NewTek Advisory: IP Video Roadmap; Q2 Promo – 3 weeks left; NDI Online Training; New Sales Tool

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 14, 2016

NewTek Resellers

1. We know that understanding the new IP Video Workflow may be difficult for some and trying to explain it may be even more difficult. So, we’re putting together a series of educational guides on the benefits of the IP/NDI workflow. Find out more below.
2. Q2 3Play Bundle Promo ends on June 24, 2016.
3. Also, you won’t want to miss our upcoming webinar on the various NewTek NDI applications. Be sure to sign up using one of the links below.
4. If you missed our new sales enablement tool, Double Your Revenue in 1/2 the Transactions, the link to download it is below.

PTZOptics & NewTek Demonstrate NDI via Live Stream at InfoComm 2016

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 9, 2016

PTZOptics announces plans to demonstrate the NewTek NDI over a local area network connecting the PTZOptics and NewTek 2016 InfoComm booths. This new low-latency live streaming protocol will allows for shared broadcast resources between multiple NewTek TriCasters and NDI compatible devices over IP.

Las Vegas, NV – NewTek and PTZOptics announce they will join forces in a massive live streaming video production event for the 2016 InfoComm show in Las Vegas, Nevada June 8th-10th. Just two months ago at the 2016 NAB Show (National Association of Broadcasters), NewTek released of an open standard called the NewTek NDI™ (Network Device Interface). This new IP technology built for the broadcast and enterprise industries has been widely adopted as the next generation platform for live video production. NewTek and PTZOptics will demonstrate NDI at InfoComm with over 20 live streaming cameras, multiple booth locations and a one amazing live stream available on YouTube Live during exhibition hours. The YouTube Live stream will include 3 user-selectable video streams show attendees are encouraged to interact with.

New Promotion Alert! NewTek TalkShow $1,000 Off MSRP!

By Jim Bask 0 Comment June 2, 2016

NewTek TalkShow 1000 offStarting now NewTek is offering $1,000 off the TalkShow VS-100.
Now only $2,995.00. Limited Time Only, promo expires 06/24/16.

If you’re a broadcaster or live producer who wants to include more expert analysis and perspective in your show, you no longer have to spend big budgets on live shots, truck uplinks and heavily equipped newsgathering crews, or waste valuable time coordinating remote live shots and low-quality phone recordings.

Bluefish444 Announces NewTek NDI Integratation

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 26, 2016

NDIBluefish444Bluefish444’s collaboration with NewTek enables its SDI I/O video cards to send and receive video and audio over IP via NewTek’s NDI, allowing existing Bluefish444 installations globally to implement interconnected production workflows comprised of SDI and IP-based technologies. NDI, an enabling technology for IP live production workflows, allows multiple video systems to identify and communicate with one another over IP, and to encode, transmit and receive many streams of high quality, low latency, frame-accurate video and audio in real time.

Live Remote Video Production in the Field with the TriCaster Mini

By Jim Bask 0 Comment May 23, 2016

While many of you may be using the TriCaster Mini as a portable TV production studio in your business, school or in remote locations where you can easily access AC power and a network connection, there are times where you need to be able to work in a really remote location and record your program or uplink it to the web directly from your vehicle.